Recovery RAWKstars

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Living Sober. Actionable things to live by

I didn’t know about this book when I started in A.A. If I did I would have found A.A. much more useful. I wish I knew about this book on Day 1 of my recovery. My sponsor probably told me about it but I was still too hard-headed to listen in early days as most of us are. If my 1st - 3rd steps were on point, and I was more willing to listen to those with the knowledge I was looking for, I might have taken some of the suggestions, like “Read this book. It will help you!” I only found community in meeting rooms early on and wasn’t connecting with the religious overtones, but I stayed because I had a lot of motivation. It was difficult, but it didn’t need to be. If I had flipped through these 90 pages, it could have been a lot easier.

So why should “I” read it, you ask? Cause someone with more experience says it will help you! Just kidding. It’s a collection of actionable ways to live while working on your steps and beyond your steps. Things like how to focus on the right things. We say things like “live and let live” but what does that mean? Why does that matter? Why watching out for anger and resentments is critical to our recovery. It goes into answering questions like “Should I seek professional help?”, and “What do I do at a party that people are drinking at?” How about, “Should I keep liquor in the house?” and “What if I have a drinking dream?” This is stuff that I wish was posted on the exit of every rehab and detox facility on the planet. It took me quite a long time to learn these things with out this guide, because I was still a hardhead. YOU can read it right now. Save yourself some time, trouble, and possibly a few relapses.