
This is


And you’re welcome to join us.

We are the outcasts, the misfits, the Wildlings, the misunderstood, the creatives. The ones who don’t fit into society’s neat little B.S. categories. We’re the ones people look at funny when we walk past. We don’t fit their mold. Their “message” doesn’t speak to us. But we’re also the ones who walk our elderly neighbors to their church meetings because it’s dark outside and we deserve good lives too. We’ve learned the secrets to dealing with life that they keep locked in ivory towers. We’ve built a community. There are more of us than they think and we are building our best lives without their permission.

If you learn the secrets to living a better life you don’t get caught up with hangovers, DUIs, fights, or shame texting. We’ve learned the hacks that help us drop the drama. We’ve figured out what we can do to stress less. If you’re sick of stress, addiction, scratching your head trying to figure out how the hell you got where you are, then join us. We got you.

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We know that connection is the opposite of addiction. we are one tribe.

Not little subsets. We are all soldiers in the same battles fighting the same enemy. Our Chat Server recognizes that and brings us all together. As long as you don’t cause issues for others, you are welcome. We all come from different backgrounds, upbringings, financial situations, political beliefs, cultures. EVERYONE deserves a better life. We do that TOGETHER.

If you are looking for community, if you have questions, if you want to find people 24/7 who are there to support each other, we have that community. Even if you think you’re not what society sees and “normal”. We love your differences. To us you ARE the Kool Kids Klub.

There are a few different ways to support us. All of them are necessary to accomplish the mission. Our biggest supporters are our Volunteers. They believe in what we’re doing because they’ve witnessed the results, usually in their own lives.

Some choose to donate financially, which helps us keep the lights on and pay for things like this website.

Others share our content, invite people, and help us reach out to more people. The goal is to help as many people as we can with the stuff we've learned and all these pieces are critical.

Want to help? Click on the big red button.


Our mission

To pass on the life skills we’ve learned through our own experiences in recovery from addictions. This information is out there but we never listened to it. Either it was given to us in a way that didn’t connect with us, or we just weren’t ready to hear it yet. So if we can speak to people who live our lifestyles in a way that connects with those of us who never felt like the masses understood us, maybe we can prevent a few more of our friends from ending up in coffins. Maybe we can prevent others from getting to the point where they actually need full-on recovery. Not everyone needs to stop the party but EVERYONE could use coping skills that make life a lot easier to deal with.

The Party doesn’t have to stop, we just need to figure out how to deal with life better.
