Learn more in our Discord server or in recovery meetings.

Connection is the opposite of addiction.
Division is destructive.

We are ONE tribe. We fight these battles TOGETHER!

We understand that everyone fighting these battles can learn from everyone else, no matter what type of program they are in. We break down barriers because getting all tribal serves to hurt us and those out there who are still looking for answers. Bringing communities of people TOGETHER is what serves us best. Anything else actually hurts us.

If you’re struggling to make better decisions for your life, we have a community of experts and peers with decades of experience in coping skills, ADHD, Life hacks, SMART Recovery, 12-step programs, AA, NA, and more.
Multiple pathways to recovery and multiple pathways BEFORE recovery.

If Connection is the opposite of addiction then Division is destructive to us.

We are ONE tribe. We fight these battles TOGETHER!


SMART Recovery is the leading, evidence-informed approach to overcoming addictive behaviors and leading a balanced life. SMART is stigma-free and emphasizes self-empowerment.

The granddaddy of them all. Although it’s not for everyone. (Well.. it is for everyone but some don’t connect with it) AA has helped countless millions over the decades. The thing is, if one meeting is too “big book thumping” for you, try another one. They’re all different.

Stay connected and engaged with our online community through forums, chat groups, and social media platforms, where you can seek support, share resources, and connect with others anytime, anywhere.

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