Recovery RAWKStar is on a mission to revolutionize the way people approach life and recovery. Recovery doesn’t speak to us. The outcasts. The creatives. The nuerodivergent. Maybe, those of us who might not have had the best childhoods. The people who don’t live in mainstream culture.

Our goal:
To liberate the secret life hacks that people learn in recovery so that even those of us who don’t “fit in” anywhere can live lives worth living. We don’t need to change who we are to live better lives. We can change how we process what the world throws at us. We’ve created a community that celebrates our uniqueness, our creativity, and our personal growth.

Would you like to know more? Meet us on our CHAT SERVER



We are a bunch of people who took partying to a level that ended with us in recovery from addictions. What we learned in recovery is what we never learned growing up. How to DEAL WITH LIFE. Finally, we found the secrets to dealing with all the shit that is thrown at us every day. If all of us knew how clarify our thoughts, moderate our emotions, to make better decisions before racing to addictive behaviors maybe we wouldn’t have buried so many of our friends.

Now it’s our passion, OUR RESPONSIBILITY, to let others know how to process the messed up stuff that happens to all of us in life. Maybe others can stop themselves before they end up past a point of no return. So we get trained, we provide resources, we help others to learn what we’ve learned.

Still partying. Still creating. Still living a crazy amazing life. #FireLife. We just do it in a way that doesn’t require us to escape until there’s nothing left.