Recovery Support meeting hug


and Become a RAWKstar Booster on Discord
If our community helps you, help us reach others too.

For some strange reason, everything seems to cost money. This site, Discord Boosts, our developers, our time, graphics, software, computers, image licensing, blah blah blah…. We’ve been running on the backs of volunteers since the start but to reach out to all that need it, we need help.

Some extra special, angels have chosen to support us financially. Not surprisingly, our volunteers are usually the biggest financial donors. They see the absolutely life-changing results for themselves and know it’s worth it.

We help people find the resources to save their lives. Your support can be the difference for not just one person, but countless people on a path to preventing or escaping addictive or maladaptive behaviors. By donating, you're not just contributing funds; you're empowering lives, fostering resilience, and helping build a brighter, healthier future for those in need.

Keep in mind, our recovery organizations need to stay afloat too. Make sure you donate to them first, and if you have a bit more, maybe it can come this way.

Some of what your contributions have and can pay for:

$11 per month is enough to thank a volunteer and give them Discord Nitro, which also gives our server the professionalism we want to show to people searching servers. That gives people the opportunity to find what we have found in our community.
$300 is the cost of our video editing software, or Website hosting, or Photoshop for a year to help us create engaging content to help more people.
$1,000 would pay for a little more than a year of the Adobe Creative Suite or website design edits.
$2,400 The cost of a computer system capable of creating the content we produce.

Use our

Affiliate links

Maybe you don’t have extra ends lying around but we all need to shop for ourselves sometimes.
When reading our blog posts we link to books or products. If you click on those links and buy things resellers like Amazon or Target send a small percentage back to us. You still pay the same prices for all of your purchases, and you still get the discounts you would have gotten anyway, but their built-in prices have a small portion allocated to referrals.

So please, read our posts and if you see something you’re interested in, click on it. It adds up!

Here are a few things we currently have affiliate links to.


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You hear it all the time on YouTube, “Like Subscribe Share”, because it’s important for channels to grow.
This… is especially important to our mission.

We’re not doing this to help someone become “Instafamous” we’re doing it so more people find the resources we have in coping with all the @#$@ life throws at us. We’re doing it so the next group of people traveling down the same messed up roads we traveled don’t have to. So they don’t need to look for escapes by excessively drinking, getting high, eating, playing video games, gambling, using sex, etc… Or if they’re already involved, this is the info they need to pull themselves out of it.

We’re sharing and liking so the algorithms understand this is worthwhile to put in front of the next person.

Be a RAWKstar. Share our Discord, Content, and Website so more people can learn what we have learned. A way to live a life worth living, withOUT all the drama!


Become a volunteer. Nothing can compare to what our volunteers have donated to this cause. It takes an immense amount of time and resources to create a safe community. Our volunteers have spent tens of thousands of hours building a community and a structure around that community to provide a fun and productive place to figure all this @#$% out. When people have shown their grasp of the tools we have learned and had some time to use them, we hope that they will give back what was given to them. It’s not a requirement, just a hope and a lot of them do. The more volunteers we get the more people we can help. Volunteers are the lifeblood and largest donors to any organization. True RAWKstars!

To become a volunteer join us in Discord and become part of our community. Helping others with the tools we have learned can be done without being an official volunteer. If that works for you, you can talk to a volunteer about becoming an official Volunteer.