12 Essential Insights for Emotional Sobriety - Allen Berger, Ph.D.
Allen Berger is a renowned Psychologist and expert in the field of addiction recovery.
“This is my FAVORITE book I read in 2024. Actually, I’ve read it three times. Cover to cover.”
People seem strangely interested in what mental health professionals do for fun. They also have a really funny way of asking. Like there are some weird-ass changes in inflection or they are double-daring me to admit that I have no outside interests, hobbies and am incapable of having fun. Which is mainly true.
But I do like to read and I read. A LOT. This answer does not seem satisfactory.
"Well what do you like to read?'" The gauntlet has been officially thrown down.
"Uh, well Susie Q, I read my Facebook feed ::: lowering my head in old person shame :::. I read esoteric instagram quotes that make me feel that the influencer 'really gets me.' I read my boyfriend's horoscope so I can totally tell what his mood will be. I occasionally try to read my fellow classmates' test answers, upside down. I read BuzzFeed to find out what's happening in the world?"
What's the good answer? There is no winning-for-losing here so I'm just going to straight up tell you some of my favorite books.
I'm not in recovery for substance use dependency.
For me, recovery is about changing maladaptive thought processes that have hurt or held me back. It's about harnessing my efforts, emotions, and energy towards things that help me accept people the way they show and life on its own terms.
This is my FAVORITE book I read in 2024. Actually, I've read it three times. Cover to cover. There are exercises in each chapter, and I have done those multiple times as well. I highly recommend this book to anyone who just wants to live a better, happier life.
While written based upon the AA Twelve Step Model of Sobriety, this book wasn't overly religious (a big turn-off for me) or preachy.
How not to be emotionally dependent on other people's validation for my own happiness? How maintain my own emotional regulation when people or things don't live up to my expectations? How to foster connection and not unhealthy attachment or co-dependency in my own personal relationships?
Dude. Sign me up. Three times. With exercises.
12 Essential Insights For Emotional Sobriety: Getting Your Recovery Unstuck