
Let’s talk about Goblin.tools

As someone living with adult ADHD I have a hard time with executive function at times. This tool helps me break down tasks into manageable chunks so that I can actually get something done towards my goals.

The way it works:

You type in a goal such as cleaning your kitchen.

Then you adjust the spiciness meter (the more spicy you are the more it'll break it down for you)

Tell it to break down the goal.


Then it generates a checklist of items to complete towards your goal


I can also add sub-tasks and remove tasks as I see necessary

This is a total game-changer. Instead of sitting in overwhelm and not knowing where to start, this gives me a stepping-off point. It helps me with making decisions, and I can even break down the suggested tasks further if I need.

Pam (Noctiluca)

M.O.T.S. A legendary volunteer in the RAWKstars Discord server and S.M.A.R.T. Recovery Facilitator.


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