Hooked on Music with Thedonnanator!
Join TheDonnanator on Friday June 21st, 2024 for what promises to be an interesting meeting. Here’s a little bit about Donna.
My interest in the effects of music on the brain and all areas of human development began during my career as a music special educator for Prince George’s County Public Schools in Maryland. I was a National Board Certified Teacher in both music and special education, and taught for 15+ years, working with children as young as infants and as old as age 21, both with and without special needs. I advocated for equity of music services for all students, regardless of nature or severity of disability, eventually ensuring that all special education students in my district received music instruction commensurate to their typically developing peers.
I was a regular presenter at various in-service and conferences, both on the district and the state level, and was named Maryland Council for Exceptional Children Teacher of the Year in 2009.
I joined the SMART recovery community in 2017 and continued my work on the impact of music, but with the focus of music on adult behaviors, especially related to recovery. I have presented at SROL’s New Year’s Eve Around the World, and was a regular guest presenter for DreamBigger’s Friday night meetings. I have served as a facilitator, co-facilitator/meeting helper, chat room Moderator, and Moderator for Recovery RAWKstars. I am also active in Reddit and other recovery Discord servers.
I am an avid Ohio State football fan, having received my Bachelor’s in music and my Master’s in special education from there. I enjoy keeping up with my SMART family, corresponding through snail mail, and reading. I live with my husband, my son Sam, and the hummingbirds in northeast Ohio.