A Message To My Addictions… Labyrinth Wisdom
You have no power over me.
I was thinking about the Jim Henson classic Labyrinth, as I do sometimes. Only like once or twice an hour. This scene started playing in my head.
The lead, Sarah (Jennifer Connelly) is telling David Bowie’s Jareth that she doesn’t need him, that she has self-worth and she’s also strong and the words were playing in my head.
“Through dangers untold. And hardships unnumbered. I have fought my way here to the castle; beyond the goblin city, to take back the child that you have stolen. My will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom as great. You have no power over me.”
The way I see it, she’s telling him that she’s not in love with him. My recovery brain started thinking that this is sort of my thoughts about my addictions. So I thought this might be a good message to tell the voice in my head if I started to have thoughts. The way we do with the DISARM tool from SMART.
So I reworded it slightly and came up with this. Feel free to use it or maybe you can come up with lines from your favorite movies, TV shows, and songs that help you in whatever you’re working Come into our Discord Chat Server and tell us what you come up with.
You have no power over me.
Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered I have fought my way here to the castle of serenity beyond the Goblin City to take back the life you have stolen, for my resolve is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great. Just for today. You have no power over me!
Also, feel free to buy a copy and watch it 17 million times like I have.