Rawkstars Logo (meaning)

We get a lot of questions about why our logo is a skull. It is partly to remind us of what we are fighting for but it also serves a deeper meaning.

The origins come from this 1671 painting “Still Life With A Skull” by Philippe de Champaign. It’s represented the stoic ideal of Momento Mori (Latin: remember, we die).

Still Life With A Skull

The Daily Stoic gives a great explanation in "What is Memento Mori".


What does it mean?

There are ROCK stars and their are people who have fought battles that might be tougher than becoming rockstars. People who are more impressive by their bravery, strength, and actions in fighting long standing ways of thinking and managing life. Mental and physical habits that have been drilled into them for sometimes decades. They are truly RAWKstars.

How do you pronounce it?

If you think about Billy Idol saying Rockstar, you get the gist of how it’s said. RAWKstar!

The curly hair takes its cue from one of our founders. We try not to mention his name because if you say it 3 times he appears. It also shows that we are not your daddy’s self-help group. We’re a bit… different.


The Banner (meaning)