SMART Recovery Handbook explained
SMART Recovery Handbook
I wish this handbook was taught in grade school to everyone. Well, at least the Point 3: Managing thoughts feelings and behaviors stuff in it. If everyone in the world properly used the tools that SMART lays out in this text, there would be no war. Alright, I get it. That sounds over the top, but it truly has information for people to be less pissed off at each other. Ways not to get nearly as upset when you think someone is disrespecting you. Tools that help us feel good about ourselves without false pride and ego.
As far as people interested in addiction recovery, this is a simple text, with easy worksheets and explanations to help you stop any behavior you want to stop. It costs less than ONE of my old drinks and I had a hell of a lot more than 1 drink a night. In 7+ years of facilitating countless meetings and working with thousands of people I have yet to hear one person regret spending the $12 this thing costs. It’s worth it for anyone. If you have no interest in stopping any behaviors, if you’re new to recovery, if you’ve already beat your demons, it is still worth it.
We are leaving two links here. SMART is a Platinum GuideStar non-profit. The money goes to actually helping people. PLEASE buy this book directly from SMART Recovery or your local SMART Recovery meeting. If you must… we are providing an affiliate link to Amazon. Amazon always takes a huge cut from all products. If you use our affiliate link then Amazon gives a small amount back to Recovery RAWKstars, but we always prefer that the entire retail cut go directly to SMART by buying it from them directly.