Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
This book is a private insight into the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Legend has it that he would write in it and read from it daily. It is said that he wanted no one to ever read it. It was his secret sauce. Yet here we are. Published a million times. This is the secret information that kept him who he was. Momento Mori. Why he is said to be one of the greatest Emperors ever.

A Message To My Addictions… Labyrinth Wisdom
The lead, Sarah (Jennifer Connelly) is telling David Bowie’s Jareth that she doesn’t need him, that she has self-worth and she’s also strong and the words were playing in my head.

SMART Recovery Family & Friends Handbook explained
You see a bunch of people finding sanity and comfort and that group connection that makes the chaos we deal with, manageable. We might not be able to MAKE our loved ones sober or clean or better but we can give them their best chance to get there. And we are able to bring our out of the “abject misery” we live in sometimes.

SMART Recovery Handbook explained
I wish this handbook was taught in grade school to everyone. Well, at least the Point 3 Managing thoughts feelings and behaviors stuff in it. If everyone in the world properly used the tools that SMART lays out in this text there would be no war. Alright, I get it that sounds over the top, but it truly has information for people to be less pissed off at each other. Ways not to get nearly as upset when you think someone is disrespecting you. Tools that help us feel good about ourselves without false pride and ego.
As far as people interested in addiction recovery, this is a simple text, with easy worksheets and explanations to help you stop any behavior you want to stop. It costs less than ONE of my old drinks and I had a hell of a lot more than 1 drink a night. In 7+ years of facilitating countless meetings and working with thousands of people I have yet to hear one person regret spending the $12 this thing costs. It’s worth it for anyone. If you have no interest in stopping any behaviors, if you’re new to recovery, if you’ve already beat your demons, it is still worth it.

Get Creative: Make a Tool Zine
Making zines of SMART tools is a creative way for me to document the tools, and the perfect size to slip into my wallet so it’s always handy. I like having my Hierarchy of Values with me everywhere I go! Here’s how you create one for yourself.

SMART Recovery is Self-Empowering Recovery! Youtube video
Those of us who are at the SMART Recovery 2024 conference were asked to record some stuff about how SMART Recovery works for us. Here are a bunch of us talking about how SMART is self-empowering. I know there is a bunch more content, maybe they’ll release some more in the future. For now, if you’re curious about SMART Recovery or if you are just interested in seeing what’s in the video… Have a look!